Tooth Removal

Our team of experienced dentists understands that removing teeth can be stressful and overwhelming for some patients. We take the time to explain the procedure and encourage you to ask as many questions as you like.

Do you offer additional sedation for tooth removal?

Yes, we do. Your dentist may provide nitrous oxide (or laughing gas) that offers minimal sedation to help you relax during your procedure. If you prefer additional sedation, your dentist will discuss the various options before your procedure to maximise your comfort. After your consultation, you will know what to expect throughout the process. Above all, we will work to ensure you are comfortable as possible.

Why do teeth need to be removed?

Depending on your situation, you may need to have a tooth or teeth removed to improve the overall health of your mouth. We offer gentle teeth removal with a range of anaesthetic options to ensure you are comfortable.

What can I expect during a tooth removal?

Simple tooth removal

After administering the local anaesthetic, your dentist will most likely use a tool called an elevator to loosen the tooth in the gum. Then they will use forceps to hold onto the tooth and pull it from the gum. Most patients experience the feeling of pressure and do not experience any pain. If you have pain, please tell your dentist, and they may use additional local anaesthetic to reduce discomfort.

Surgical tooth removal

After administering the local anaesthetic, your doctor or oral surgeon will make an incision into your gum. If a bone blocks access to the tooth’s root, they will remove it. Then they will remove the tooth, sometimes dividing it into sections for easier removal.

For both simple and surgical extractions, following the actual extraction, your dentist or oral surgeon will clean the site and may place sutures (stitches) to close the wound. Finally, gauze is placed over the area to control bleeding and help a blood clot form. Your dentist will ask you to bite on this gauze for 20–30 minutes after the extraction.

Will tooth removal be painful?

Some patients may experience discomfort or pain. This usually depends on the level of sedation during your procedure. Your dentist will discuss the choices available and help you select the most appropriate option. Most patients find they can manage discomfort with over-the-counter pain medication easily.

If your extraction was complex or required surgery of the gums and bone, your dentist might prescribe a more powerful pain medication.

What can I expect after tooth removal?

After you have a tooth or multiple teeth removed, it is important to follow your dentist’s instructions to promote recovery and reduce discomfort. Your dentist will provide aftercare instructions to ensure a fast and straightforward recovery. Although everybody recovers from tooth extraction differently, most people will experience tenderness and mild discomfort that eases in a few days.

You may wish to try some of these recommendations to manage any discomfort at home:

  • Place an ice pack on your cheek
  • Rest
  • Prop your head up with a pillow when lying down
  • Eat soft, cool foods
  • Rinse your mouth with saltwater starting one day after the surgery
  • Use warm compresses